Monday, November 7, 2022

The weight of your sex doll is also important

Weight is a very important factor when buying a 100cm sex doll . In fact, it is one of the most important things to consider when buying a sex doll. Why? Because the weight of your sex doll affects how comfortable you are with her while having sex and also how easy it will be to move around with her in your arms or on top of you. It can also affect how much energy you have left over after using your sex doll if she's too heavy for you to lift up onto herself after use or take care of after use (bathroom duties).

If this isn't something that bothers you then don't worry about it at all! However, there are some people who find this aspect very important and make sure they get every ounce out of their purchase by making sure that their chosen model weighs less than 200 pounds so they don't end up feeling drained from trying to move them around when things start heating up between them both through oral or penetrative intercourse sessions.

The main contents of anime sex doll weight include head, body, TPE skin, skeleton and packing box.

The head is the heaviest part of the sex doll's body. Sex dolls are made from different materials such as silicon and rubber. The weight of each material varies due to factors like material thickness, density and shape. The heavier sex dolls have larger heads and faces than lighter ones do because they need more support for their weight as well as for better quality control during production processes since it is difficult to control how much pressure you apply while stroking or kissing a neckline on your doll if there isn't enough support provided by its manufacturer (you can read more about this here).

The body includes everything else except for arms legs feet hands feet arms torso etc., which are sometimes included in either category depending on whether you prefer an articulated structure over one without movable parts i e joints which gives greater flexibility but makes them heavier too!

Weight matters because it can affect how easy or difficult it is to move your sex doll around. If you have a heavy sex doll, then she may not be very portable unless you have an extensive set of tools for moving her around. For example, if you're going on vacation and need to carry your sex doll with you, having a lightweight option might be ideal so that she's easier to transport and won't break any furniture while being moved.

I know a lot of people buy sex dolls because they are interested in the weight of sex dolls.

If you are looking for a sex doll, you will know that the weight of your sex doll is also important! The weight of your sex doll has a lot of effects on the price, shipping cost and delivery time.

Weight matters because it affects stability. If your cheap sex dolls is too light, it will not be able to stand firmly on its own feet. When you purchase a new toy that can not stand steadily on its own legs then there is no fun in playing with it! You should consider buying a heavier one if this happens to you.

Weight affects price as well since heavy dolls are more expensive than lighter ones due to their complex manufacturing processes and materials used in production. A heavier sex toy may have more detail work done than an average-sized one therefore increasing its retail value by quite a bit (depending upon how elaborate these details are). In addition to this advantage comes another important advantage for collectors: heavier dolls tend not only look but feel better when compared against smaller alternatives such as Mini Sex Dolls or even full sized models like our customizable Realistic Sex Dolls which offer excellent value without sacrificing quality craftsmanship at all levels from head all the way down through toes (and everything else).

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